Leader's Notes: 目的:找出正確的對工作的態度。有些人太注重工作,有些人太不注重工作。這個查經資料希望從聖經中讓我們對工作有新的認識。
NOTE: Questions in ‘*’ are for Christians only
Notes: The following table is a survey in
Table 5.5: Job Satisfaction–employees’ most important workplace factors:
Source: http://www.apsc.gov.au/stateoftheservice/0304/chapter5e.htm |
Workplace factor |
Employees that nominated factor as important to them (%) |
Employees that nominated factor as important who were ‘satisfied’ (%)
(a) |
Good working relationships |
55 |
85 |
Flexible working arrangements |
47 |
81 |
Regular feedback/recognition for effort |
45 |
52 |
Salary |
45 |
51 |
Good manager |
43 |
64 |
Opportunities to develop my skills |
42 |
58 |
Opportunities to utilise my skills |
41 |
61 |
Interesting work provided |
39 |
66 |
Seeing tangible results from my work |
38 |
70 |
Duties/expectations made clear |
38 |
70 |
Opportunities for career development |
34 |
32 |
Chance to make a useful contribution to society |
32 |
69 |
Chance to be creative/innovative |
31 |
57 |
Appropriate workload |
28 |
40 |
Safe and healthy work environment |
21 |
71 |
Other conditions of employment (e.g. superannuation, paid maternity
leave) |
19 |
83 |
2. 如果請你列一張表,列出五樣你生命中最重要的事情?工作/學習會排第幾位?為什麼它那麼重要/不重要?
3. 你認為工作本來應該是快樂的,還是痛苦的?為什麼?
4. 請閱讀創世紀1:26-28,上帝創造人,給人的工作為何?這和人是按照神的形像造的有何關聯?
Leader's Notes: God also works. He created the world and
sustains it. Christians are God’s workmanship (
5. 如果工作是神在創造人的時候已經賦予人的使命和計畫,這使你對工作的看法有何影響?你認為你現在所做的工作和神的計畫有沒有關係,為什麼?
6. 請閱讀創世紀3:17-19,這裡提到人們工作的原因為何?
Leader's Notes: There is a huge contrast between the reason
why people work before and after sin. Before, work is purely positive, to
manage the created world under God’s authority. Now, work has also a negative
connotation – the curse of God due to sin urges man to work hard in order to
survive. It used to be good (
Leader's Notes: If sin is the cause
of curse, faith is the remedy. Faith allows us to have a good relationship with
God and by trusting in God for our daily provision. However, due to sin we
can’t have a good relationship with God. Therefore, the only way to break this
curse is to have relationship with God again through
8. 請閱讀傳道書3:22,這裡告訴我們工作有什麼目的?你有沒有達到這個目的?
Leader's Notes: Here although the preacher in Ecclesiastics is normally quite pessimistic, he does see something positive about work.
9. 請閱讀以弗所書4:28,這裡告訴我們工作還有什麼目的?你有沒有達到這個目的?
Leader's Notes: Work is not only for self-satisfaction, but also to serve others.
10. 請閱讀哥林多前書10:31,這裡告訴我們工作還有什麼目的?你有沒有達到這個目的?
11. 從以上的經文中,在聖經裡工作有正面的(神的計畫)和負面的涵義(神的咒詛)。你目前的工作態度是屬於正面的還是負面的多?你願意讓神來掌管你的工作態度嗎?
12. 工作的目的(自我的滿足,服事他人,榮耀神)如何幫助我們在工作上更有意義和方向?你在哪一方面有缺乏,你應當如何更加強那方面?